Is there a free version of Superlist?
Just like with Wunderlist, we'll always have a free version for all users. This means that ALL basic features will remain free. This includes:
up to 5 private or shared lists with up to 5 people
unlimited tasks and notes in all your lists
Reminders, Repeating Tasks, Task Assigning, Labels, Messages on Tasks
up to 10mb per file attachment and 500mb total storage
Available on MacOS, iOS, Android and on
How does Superlist's pricing work?
Superlist now also offers Pro plans that are based on advanced collaboration, access to all integrations, and powerful AI-assisted features (coming soon). This is available to use both for individuals and for teams on a monthly and yearly subscription basis. Check out all pricing options here.
How can I upgrade my account?
To upgrade your account click on your profile icon and select Upgrade to Pro
or click here.
How do I cancel my subscription?
Click on your profile icon > Settings
> Subscriptions
> Manage subscriptions
What happens if I am part of a Pro team account?
If your Team gets updated to a Pro version, your personal account will automatically be updated to the Pro version. No extra costs involved!
Similarly, if you currently have an active personal Pro subscription, we will cancel it and issue a refund covering the period until your next billing cycle.
What are your accepted payment methods?
Currently we accept credit card payments, PayPal and IDEAL. When you upgrade via our iOS App or the Android app, you can use the payment methods that are set up in the Apple App Store and on Google Play
Where can I find my invoices?
Click on your profile icon > Settings
> Subscriptions
> Manage subscriptions